Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 4, 2016


Test 1: Children spend too much time watching television

“Children spend too much time watching TV”
In modern society, it seems that children spend lots of their time watching television. In my opinion, this bad habit has extremely negative influences on children as followings. Firstly, watching too much television means that children have less time for studying. When a child spends more than three hours daily sitting in front of the TV, he may not have enough time to do his homework. As a result, his scores can be lower than others. Secondly this habit also causes many problems with the eyes such as being short sighted or long sighted, and even heart problems. I have a five-year-old niece, she watches TV so much. As a result of long time in front of TV, she is badly short –sighted. She can’t read and see anything even though she is very young. Last but not least, children spend too much time watching TV because their parents always go to work to earn money. They just care for earning money but spend their time playing and talking with their children.
In conclusion, I believe that television has negative effectiveness on the children. Therefore, it’s so important for parents to educate their children to spend time on other activities or play with their children.

Test 2: Advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car

In modern world, we cannot imagine a life without cars. However, cars also have a lot of disadvantages and disadvantages. The first advantage is our life become convenient. In the past, people did not have car, they used animals for journey or traveling.  Thus they wasted  a lot of time. Secondly, cars are very fast and comfortable. We can use air condition for having fresh air. We can hide from the sunlight and make ourselves feel com fortable in cars.
On the other hands, there are some disadvantages. Having a car is costly. Car is not a cheap vehicle, we have to pay much money to buy one of them. In addition, we must buy other thing such as petroleum, and new wheels for our car. Final disadvantage is pollution. Because there are many cars in our street and all of them are using petrolium. It makes our climate become more and more polluted.
In summary, although car has disadvantages, we cannot stop using of them. We can just try to improve them, find green fuel and using it instead of harmful fuel.

Test 3: What can young people do to help protect and improve their local environment.

There are many things young people can do to protect and improve their local environment. Some of them are recycling, using cars less, and planting trees. First of all, they can make sure that things such as plastic containers, glass bottles and newspapers are recycled. They can pick up any litter they find in the street and put into a rubbish bin. Secondly, nowadays the air is polluted because too many people use cars, even to go very short distances. Young people can try use public transport, walk or cycle to their destinations instead. Finally, they can help to make their local environment greener by looking after public parks or gardens. They can also plant trees in their gardens. In summary, we will all have a better future if young people help to protect and improve the environment.

Test 4: It is always better to work as part of a team than to work on your own

Obviously, every person has his own attitudes, some likes to work alone, and other likes to work on a team. However, I prefer to work with group of people in a team, because I can have the chance of sharing knowledge and having fun with my team.
The first reason is sharing information and exchanging the knowledge. When working in a team, I can have chances to share and discuss knowledge and experience with each other. Therefore, working in team is more useful and successful. The second reason is that we can have have good time performing any duties at work. Because when we work in team, we can have funny stories and tell jokes in order that we don’t feel tired and bored during work.
All in all I prefer to work in a team, because I believe that makes me happy and I can share my knowledge with them.

Test 5: Advantages and disadvantages of shopping online

The growth of online shopping has greatly improved life of the consumer. Many companies today offer their products online, so that customers can buy them from their own homes. Some people may be afraid of buying things online; however, others find it very convenient because it is fast and gives a variety of offers. There are several disadvantages to online shopping. First of all, it can be quite risky. Because when we shop online, some information and also our account can be hacked. In addition, you may not be able to return the item or get a refund. On the other hand, there are many advantages to shopping online. The greatest benefit of online shopping is that we can save our time. We can stay at home to buy the products. What is more, online shopping is a very quick way to buy whatever we want from all over the world. In my view, online shopping has many advantages and a few disadvantages. I think that it’s good if we know to protect ourselves from online shopping.

Test 6: There is no place like home

The sentence “there is no place like home.” This saying always makes a deep impression on my mind whenever I think of it.. My home isn’t just a place where I sleep and eat; it’s a gathering place for my friends and family. It’s a place where I don’t have to hide my emotions, because everyone who’s ever there are those who care about me. I can be myself, and I don’t have to worry about what other people think about me. When we think of home, we stop and think for a second, what would our life be like without our home? No home means no shelter, no shower, no bed, and nowhere to feel truly safe. Our life will be not meaningful. No matter how many homes I have in my life, I know that the feeling I have at home will never change, because of my family.
In a word, I really love my home and it’s a great place for me to live for good with my parents, sibling’s love, care and protection. 

Test 7: The difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them

Learning English is very important for everyone; however, it also has many difficulties. I personally have some difficulties in learning English such as: pronunciation, English grammar, and writing. But I have my own ways to overcome these troubles. English pronunciation is my first obstacle. The pronunciation in English puzzles me a lot because the same letter has different sounds. For example the letter “a” in “bath” is not pronounced in the same way of that in “bathe”. In order to solve this puzzling question I carefully study The A.P.A (The International Phonetic Alphabets) which helps me pronounce English words correctly. The second difficulty is grammar. It took me a long time to learn how to master the tenses in English grammar. I try to learn and do exercises day by day, then I answer the difficult questions by myself. In writing English, English language has its own style. In order to drill writing skills, I have tried to read famous novels and stories in english. After long and hard years of English study, I feel please when I can read, listen and speak english well.

Test 9: Why is it necessary to learn english?

English is the most international language. Many people all over the world use English in fields of life. Thus learning English is very important and vital. The first reason, it is spoken as a native language in the United States, Britain, Australia and etc. It is also used as a second language in the remaining parts of the world. Therefore English is an important language to master because it is a gateway to world scholarship and international trade. Besides in our country, English is the main foreign language which is taught in schools and widely used in business. If we know English, we can read various kinds of English books to widen our knowledge, to communicate with foreigners easily and find good jobs in foreigner companies easier. In brief, it is necessary for us to know English. If we know English well, we have a better chance of improving our lives.

Test 8: Which do you think is more valuable – health or wealth?

People said that “health is more precious than gold”. Therefore, I think that health is more valuable than wealth. The fact is that money is very important in life because money can help to satisfy most of our basic demands in life. However, money is not all because there is still one thing that is more important than money. It’s health. In fact, when we are healthy, we can work and earn a lot of money for our life. In addition, we can enjoy our life and perform many dreams and ambitions during our life. A healthy person is certainly optimistic and has belief in his or her life. Furthermore, if we are not healthy, we may get some serious diseases that can not be cured, even we have a lot of money with us. In these cases, money is nothing. With mentioned things, it is clear that health is more important than wealth.

Test 10: What is is the most thing to do in city

City life is an interesting place that many people like to live. It has many wonderful things to do. The first interesting is shopping centers. They are always crowded of people and producst which make an exciting atmosphere when we are tired and stressfull. Besides there are nice amusements parks which can help us to relax at weekends. These places are always considered as the most funniest ones in city. For example, we can go to Dam Sen or Suoi Tien with our friends at weekends. In summary, city life is always an interesting place which most people like to live.

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